Showing posts with label windows. Show all posts
Showing posts with label windows. Show all posts

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Windows 8.1 is Ready. But.....

Yep, you guess it, it's a massive but! It will be unavailable to the average human being until October.

Only yesterday, Microsoft completed Windows 8.1 it has been seeded to manufacturers. But us less important must wait until October 18th. Strangely, MSDN and TechNet subscribers won’t get an early look in despite the face they ARE developers, but that's just how Microsoft rolls I guess.

The reason this matters to technological society is this means Microsoft get another shot at getting into the glorious tablet market as this will only be available for tablets. This also seems like Microsoft are slowing down the whole PC market thing as tablet's are supposedly taking over the pc (I personally disagree).

So yeah, that happens. Windows 8.1 in 2 months

Monday, 20 May 2013

BBM For Android and Apple??

Hey Guys,

What are your thoughts on BlackBerry? Boring? Not innovative? Only good for BBM?

Well that will change soon..
Last week at BlackBerry Live, CEO Thorsten Heins announced that they will be making BBM available to download for Android and iOS devices. This basically means that BlackBerry is just turning BBM into a WhatsApp or Kik messenger service.

Heins tries to rectify his decision in saying that it is a "state of confidence" and “The BB10 platform is so strong and the response has been so good that the time is right for BBM to become an independent mobile messaging platform.”

The app will be free on both Android and iOS. Much like other messaging apps, it will be a standalone application. iOS 6 or Ice Cream Sandwich will be required.

To begin with, the app will only offer basic messaging and group features. But Heins promises that the rest of BBM will eventually make its way to the Android and iOS versions including screen sharing, BBM voice and the just-announced BBM channels.

Heins proudly stated "We are making the BBM platform more powerful than ever!" but he is obviously an idiot because people only buy BlackBerry's because of it's quick messaging and the BBM service. 

I will obviously downloading this app because it will support my argument in saying BlackBerry phones are pointless and only have the ability to browse and chat, making them an average instead of Smartphone. 

There is still no sign of BBM on Windows Phone but no doubt, they just forgot about it. It is likely that the Windows OS will soon have an app.

Thanks for reading! Please let me know your thoughts and your opinions by commenting below. 

Thursday, 7 March 2013

BBC iPlayer FINALLY Coming to a Windows Phone Near You

Hey Guys,

Whilst Windows Phone's are cool, there’s no doubt that even two and a half years after launch, it’s still missing many apps, all the way from Instagram to Google Maps, but at least they have more than BlackBerry. Anyway here’s some good news for the mobile Windows users, at last, BBC iPlayer is finally coming to the platform... ish.

Shown on the BBC’s blog, business development manager, Cyrus Saihan, has announced that the BBC is teaming up with Microsoft to bring BBC iPlayer video streaming to Windows Phone 7.5 and Windows Phone 8. There’s no timeframe for a release just yet, but he says to look out for updates in the “coming months”.
There’s a catch though, BBC iPlayer on Windows Phone won’t be a full app. Instead, you’ll be have to download a Live Tile shortcut to your homescreen, which will then let you jump to the mobile website and catch up on your missed TV which you haven’t been able to do on Windows Phone until now.

This means the BBC are doing a quick botch job in order to make it's Windows Phone customers a little happy buy created a mobile website rather than taking the time to develop an app. I feel that the BBC should spend a little more time and to create an app rather than a mobile website, an application is a lot easier to navigate than an app and will make customers a lot more happy.

What are your thoughts?? Please leave your opinions in the comments below!

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Control Your Xbox With Your Phone

Hey Guys,

Xbox Smartglass is a genius app/program, made by Microsoft, avaliable for controlling your Xbox which can be used on your computer, phone or tablet, has arrived on Android. This means you can easily control your Xbox even when you're away.

Head on over to the Google Play store and you’ll see the app for Android available as a free download (Nothing known yet on the iPhone equivalent, I don't think it should be much further away). It works in much the same way as it does on Windows 8 and Windows 8 tablets: you can launch any of your apps and control them as long as you’re connected to the same network as the Xbox. You can also see second screen information about videos on supported apps, like actors on screen and more. 

Unfortunately, it will only work on Android phones running Android 4.0 with a screen resolution of 800×480 or higher. If you're lucky you may get a special review...


Monday, 6 August 2012

Windows 8 Could be very bad for new Indie Developers

Hey Guys,

Markus Persson (AKA Notch), the creator of Minecraft and founder of Mojang, has echoed Valve and Blizzard on the negative repercussions of Windows 8 for developers.

In an interview with the Reddit community, Notch predicted a bright future for independent game developers as long as there are "open and free" platforms to support their work. However, he believes that Microsoft's plans for Windows 8 could be a serious hindrance.

"If Microsoft decides to lock down Windows 8, it would be very, very bad for Indie games and competition in general," he said. "If we can keep open platforms around, there's going to be a lot of very interesting games in ten years, mixed in with the huge AAA games that we all love."

I agree with Notch, Valve and Blizzard. For brilliant games to happen we need to have more free platforms. Minecraft for example has been pretty successful and we want more great games like that, so it will be a great help if "open platforms" are around.


Friday, 15 June 2012

Adobe Confirms No More Flash Player for Mobile Devices

Hey Guys!
Flash Player for mobile browsers was released by Adobe about two years ago now and since then more and more mobile devices have been able to access rich media content online. Also, Flash has been available for desktop users for almost 10 years now. 
Although Flash has had great success, HTML 5 has been installed on the most recent mobile phones and some phones are exclusive the HTML 5. This makes a perfect solution for deploying and creating content in the browser irrespective of the mobile platform. 
In a statement released by Adobe, they have stated that following the release of the upcoming Flash Player 11.1, Adobe would finish developing Flash Player in the browser and will focus on ensuring that all the major app stores allow developers to package native apps with Adobe AIR. However they added that they would  allow those who have the licensed source code to continue developing and release their own implementations of the software. All existing device configurations will continue to receive security updates and also critical bug fixes.

Adobe has stated that it will continue to collaborate with some of the biggest names in the mobile software industry, RIM, Microsoft, Apple and Google to help the HTML5 innovation in the future on their mobile web browsers.

So what do you think. Do you think HTML 5 can replace the Flash Player? Will people develop their own implementations? Or just leave it? Leave your answers in the commets!

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Welcome to my Blog!!

Hi Everyone! I have just started my blog up again and from fresh! I will be writing posts at least once a day and  giving you the technology information you need! I hope you subscribe to this blog via RSS or E-Mail, I also have a youtube channel and a cafepress shop so please take a look at them too!