Hey Guys!
Flash Player for mobile browsers was released by Adobe about two years ago now and since then more and more mobile devices have been able to access rich media content online. Also, Flash has been available for desktop users for almost 10 years now.
Although Flash has had great success, HTML 5 has been installed on the most recent mobile phones and some phones are exclusive the HTML 5. This makes a perfect solution for deploying and creating content in the browser irrespective of the mobile platform.
In a statement released by Adobe, they have stated that following the release of the upcoming Flash Player 11.1, Adobe would finish developing Flash Player in the browser and will focus on ensuring that all the major app stores allow developers to package native apps with Adobe AIR. However they added that they would allow those who have the licensed source code to continue developing and release their own implementations of the software. All existing device configurations will continue to receive security updates and also critical bug fixes.
Adobe has stated that it will continue to collaborate with some of the biggest names in the mobile software industry, RIM, Microsoft, Apple and Google to help the HTML5 innovation in the future on their mobile web browsers.
So what do you think. Do you think HTML 5 can replace the Flash Player? Will people develop their own implementations? Or just leave it? Leave your answers in the commets!