Hey Guys,
We all know Borderlands 2 came out recently and it is a very fun game, and so is the original. So good, that the developers have been developing an iPhone/iPad app to go with it. To be called Borderlands Legends.
The Borderlands Legends description doesn’t give much away, but it does reveal that you’ll be able to play as some of the characters from the original version: Roland, Lilith, Mordecai and Brick. It promises a “strategic cover system.” They also said that they will have "randomised missions" so it will be just as fun to play over again.
We dont know when it will be out but according to The Gadget Show, it will be out by next month which isn't roo long away. At the moment we are unsure whether we are likely to get an Android version too but I will tell you if that happens.
We all know Borderlands 2 came out recently and it is a very fun game, and so is the original. So good, that the developers have been developing an iPhone/iPad app to go with it. To be called Borderlands Legends.
The Borderlands Legends description doesn’t give much away, but it does reveal that you’ll be able to play as some of the characters from the original version: Roland, Lilith, Mordecai and Brick. It promises a “strategic cover system.” They also said that they will have "randomised missions" so it will be just as fun to play over again.